How February 2015 Treated My Mathematics Blog

Of course I’m going to claim February 2015 was a successful month for my mathematics blog here. When have I ever claimed it was a dismal month? Probably I have, though last month wasn’t a case of it.

Anyway, according to WordPress’s statistics page, both the old and the new (which they’re getting around to making less awful), in February the mathematics blog had 859 views, down from January’s 944, but up from December’s 831. This is my second-highest on record. That said, I do want to point out that with a mere 28 days February was at a relative disadvantage for page clicks, and that January saw an average of 30.45 views per day, while February came in at 30.68, which is a record high.

There were 407 visitors in February, down from January’s 438 and December’s 424. 407 is the fourth-highest visitor count I have on record, though its 14.54 visitors per day falls short of January 2015’s 15.64, and way short of the all-time record, January 2013’s 15.26 visitors per day.

The views per visitor were at 1.96 in December, 2.16 in January, and dropped surely insignificantly to 2.11 for February, and there’s no plausibly splitting that up per day. Anyway, the mathematics blog started March at 21,815 views so there’s every reason to hope it’ll hit that wonderfully uniform count of 22,222 views soon.

The new statistics page lets me see that I drew 179 “likes” in February, down from 196 in January, but well up from December’s 128. Not to get too bean-counting but that is 6.39 likes per day in February against a mere 6.32 per day in January.

The most popular posts in February were mostly the comic strip posts, with the perennial favorite of trapezoids sneaking in. Getting more than thirty views each in February were:

  1. Reading the Comics, February 4, 2015: Neutral Edition, where I really showed off the weakness of naming each edition.
  2. Reading the Comics, February 14, 2015: Valentine’s Eve Edition, again, an edition name that’s not really better than just giving the date.
  3. Reading the Comics, January 29, 2015: Returned Motifs Edition, which is the one where I learned anything about the history of blackjack.
  4. How Many Trapezoids I Can Draw, which is the closest I’ll come to classifying the sporadic finite simple groups.
  5. Reading the Comics, February 20, 2015: 19th-Century German Mathematicians Edition, because Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal name-dropped Georg Cantor and Bernard Riemann.
  6. How To Re-Count Fish, describing problems in the post …
  7. How To Count Fish, which was somehow read three fewer times than the Re-Count one was.
  8. Denominated Mischief, in which a bit of arithmetic manipulation proves that 7 equals 11.

In the listing of nations: as ever the countries sending me the most readers were the United States, with a timely 555; Canada with 83, and the United Kingdom with 66. The United States is down from January, but Canada and the United Kingdom strikingly higher. Germany sent 27 (up from 22), Austria 23 (down from 32), and Slovenia came from out of nowhere to send 21 readers this time around. India dropped from 18 to 6.

There were sixteen single-reader countries in February, up from January’s 14: Chile, Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Swaziland, Sweden, Venezuela, and Vietnam. The repeats from January are Hungary, Japan, and Mexico; Mexico is on a three-month streak.

There weren’t any really good, strange, amusing search terms bringing people here this past month, sad to say. The most evocative of them were:

  • topic about national mathematics day (I think this must be a reference to India’s holiday)
  • price is right piggy bank game (I’ve never studied this one, but I have done bits on the Item Up For Bid and on the Money Game)
  • jokes about algebraic geometry (are there any?)
  • groove spacing 78 and 45 (Yeah, I couldn’t find a definitive answer, but something like 170 grooves per inch seems plausible. Nobody’s taken me up on my Muzak challenge.)
  • two trapezoids make a (well, at least someone’s composing modernist, iconoclastic poetry around here)
  • sketch on how to inscribe more than one in a cycle in a triangle according to g.m green (I think this guy should meet the algebraic geometry jokester)

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

12 thoughts on “How February 2015 Treated My Mathematics Blog”

  1. i love your blog … it’s like art to me … imagine … 50 people look at a picture and they all know what the picture is … what it means .,.., they appreciate it for what it is .,.. each person has a casual relationship with the painting or picture … they’re rather blasé about the picture and what it means because what it displays is concrete to them … to them, it’s the same message they may have seen before but perhaps shaped differently or with some creative flares here and there …

    but ME when i read what you have written! it’s abstract .,.. it’s new … it’s unique … out of the ordinary … a different language yet … the same yet … different …

    i’m sure your posts don’t mean the same to me as they do to the myriad of readers (i’m assuming) who who understand it in more concrete terms … for me, there is such an abstract quality about the words and the thoughts … there are gaps in understanding for me, which make it anything but concrete …

    so, what i’m reading are abstract thoughts that beg interpretation outside the realm of rational thought … since the gaps in understanding are beyond my understanding in many cases … i interpret from from my subconscious mind … since there’s no other way to understand .,..

    since i have to provide my own understanding. i see your words and thoughts on several levels of interpretation … none of which are ”right” but, none of which are ”not right” …

    my mind jumps or flows from one interpretation to the next … wondering … envisioning different possibilities …

    imagine looking at a jackson pollack painting … letting your mind wander so that images and interpretations appear … watching the colors emerge and mean something from moment to moment …

    while your words and the concepts they tell about may not be quite as dramatic as a jackson pollack painting, well .,.. you get the message .,..

    when abstract forms and words are presented … there is only one way to understand and that’s to go below the surface … to reach into the subconscious mind where dreams are to fill in the spaces …

    what you write most often to me, is abstract … not concrete as it probably is to most of your readers … sorry for being redundant … so it is an artistic trip of unique proportions to me …. and for some reason i find your posts humorous .,.. but also on a subconscious level because i don’t know why they are humorous … (your comment about the interesting artwork you pulled from beneath your swimming pool heater was the best joke i’ve heard in a long time but …. i have no idea why it was so hilarious .. ! do your readers feel the same way? ks

    there’s an interesting philosophical question in there somewhere … but, that’s for another time … or not …. anyway … whether you meant it or not .. thanks for presenting me with some interesting art work …. while tickling my creativity funny bone at the same time …ks


  2. Great work as always, Joseph. How do you go about collecting and describing these stats? Do you pull everything from the WP stats page? Do you collect the stats in some other way to compare? How long does it take you to make sense of these stats and write up this post?

    Happy weekend from your stat interested but detail-impaired friend :D


    1. I get the statistics when I’m logged in to WordPress from a menu underneath the “WordPress/My Sites” menu bar. The page itself for me is at so I’d imagine yours would be at

      Writing the statistics post takes me something like twenty to thirty minutes, mostly because I’ve settled into a rough template of what to report on — views, visitors, popular countries, popular articles, that sort of thing — with the exact order varied as whim takes me. And for all that I’ve wondered if there are ways to streamline the composition, since this is a boilerplate sort of article. I’ve very nearly got to looking into whether I can export data to a spreadsheet. (This would also help for when I’ve realized belatedly that I wanted to track something I hadn’t thought of before, like the number of readers from India over the month or such.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much and now I see that I have what I need at WP and need to utilize it! I was wondering if you had your stats on a spreadsheet because you glean so much from the WP stats page. When I look at mine I see a bunch of mush. I’m a very macro-thinker so these details blur if I don’t focus and give them a container that makes sense to me. I actually appreciate stats very much, for example, in how they helped me to better understand program evaluation and design. So, you’ve inspired me to take advantage of the stats I have and figure out how they can help me to improve. When I have a chunk of time, I’m going to look at your template again and see if I can get the hang of it. Thanks very much, Joseph!


        1. Goodness, I’m glad if I can be of any help. I don’t think that I make very good use of my statistics page, though. It’s indicated that the thing I would have guessed is most popular — comic strip posts — actually is most popular, and I suppose that makes me feel more confident that I’m doing the right thing in posting so many of them, but I don’t think I’ve drawn many lessons about writing besides that.

          Particularly I feel like I ought to be able to do something smarter with knowing what search terms bring people to my blog, but I haven’t found a clear direction from them.

          Liked by 1 person

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