Here’s the 157th Playful Math Blog Carnival

I’d missed the chance to share it last week, as the readership report somehow took priority and the publication slot. Sue VanHattum’s Math Momma Writes … blog is the most recent host of the Playful Math Blog Carnival. Here’s the July 2022 installment, the 157th of the series. VanHattum won me over right away by leading with a nighttime picture of a carnival. That isn’t required for people who host the educational-and-recreational mathematics feature, but it doesn’t hurt.

Besides the expected references to blogs and games and such, VanHattum has a nice section describing present or upcoming books. These are mostly aimed at kids, which I suspect might be younger than my usual audience. But you might know someone who’d like to know.

And if you have a mathematics or education blog, and want to try gathering a bundle of interesting or educational or fun mathematics links together, I recommend contacting Denise Gaskins and hosting for a month. I regret that I haven’t had the time or resources to host myself in a long while, and hope that wil change soon. It’s a fun challenge.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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