Saturday, April 7, 1962

McDonnell has awarded a $1 million subcontract to the ACF Electronics Division of ACF Industries (Riverdale, California). The subcontract is to provide C-band and S-band radar beacons for the Gemini craft. The beacons are to be part of the tracking system for the spacecraft.

The C-band radar would transmit at 5765 MHz and receive at 5690. The S-band radar would transmit at 2910 MHz and receive at 2840.

Author: Project Gemini Chronology

The Project Gemini Chronology is drawn from multiple sources, but most heavily from NASA's Special Publication-4002, Project Gemini Technology and Operations: A Chronology, prepared by James M Grimwood and Barton C Hacker, with Peter J Vorzimmer. Other chronologies will be used where fitting, such as (particularly) those for Project Mercury and Project Apollo.

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