I’m looking for G, H, and I topics for the All 2020 A-to-Z

When I look at how much I’m not getting ahead of deadline for these essays I’m amazed to think I should be getting topics for as much as five weeks out. Still, I should.

What I’d like is suggestions of things to write about. Any topics that have a name starting with the letters ‘G’, ‘H’, or ‘I’, that might be used for a topic. People with mathematical significance count, too. Please, with any nominations, let me know how to credit you for the topic. Also please mention any projects that you’re working on that could use attention. I try to credit and support people where I can.

These are the topics I’ve covered in past essays. I’m willing to revisit one if I realize I have fresh thoughts about it, too. I haven’t done so yet, but I’ll tell you, I was thinking hard about doing a rewrite on “dual”.

Topics I’ve already covered, starting with the letter ‘G’, are:

Topics I’ve already covered, starting with the letter ‘H’, are:

Topics I’ve already covered, starting with the letter ‘I’, are:

Thank you all for your thoughts, and for reading.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

14 thoughts on “I’m looking for G, H, and I topics for the All 2020 A-to-Z”

  1. G: Gödel’s incompleteness theorems
    H: Halting problem
    I: Introvert mathematician and related topics (on whether mathematics and introversion have any link, and counterexamples?)
    Famous joke: What’s the difference between an introverted mathematician and an extroverted mathematician?
    The extrovert looks at the other person’s shoes. :)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hopefully not off topic, but JW Gibbs in particular and Helmholz (sp?) are good.
    Gibbs pretty much invented the physical chemistry, well regarded by Maxwell, unknown in his home country (USA! USA!).
    Helmholz also made similar contributions to the field.
    Gibbs also either invented or codified vector analysis.


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