How September 2020 Treated My Mathematics Blog

I continue my tradition of doing these monthly readership reviews just a little too far into the month to feel sensible. Well, I’m trying to publish more things on the weekdays and have three of those five committed, while the A-to-Z goes on.

In September I posted only 18 pieces. That’s all right. There was more to them: 15,922 words posted in total. This comes to an average of 936.6 words per posting, way up from August’s 634.3. It’s my most wordy month this year, so far. My year-to-date average post has been 694 words, around here.

Those 18, on average enormous, posts drew 2,422 page views. I like seeing that sort of number, since it’s above the twelve-month running average of 2,383.3 page views. There were 1,643 unique visitors, again above the twelve-month running average of 1,622.8. And I’m really amazed by that since the twelve-month running average includes that fluke last October where something like five thousand more people than usual came in and looked at my post about linear programming.

Bar chart of monthly readership for the past two and a half years. There's an enormous spike in October 2019. The last four months through October 2020 show a more steady rise.
I know what it means, but I choose to believe the 1.48 views per visitor means everybody loads a second page, glances at it, and then closes the browser tab before they’ve got through the whole thing. More silly that way.

It was an engaged month, too. There were 80 things liked in September, above the average of 62.3. And 32 comments, beating the 17.4 average.

The per-posting figures were similarly above the twelve-month running averages. 134.6 views per posting, above the 125.3 running average. 91.3 unique visitors per posting, above the 85.0 running average. 4.4 likes per posting, compared to a 3.3 running average. 1.8 comments per posting, compared to a 1.0 running average. I’m going to be felling good about this month until that happens again.

I wanted to look at the most popular posts from August and September around here. August because, you know, there’s stuff posted the last week of the month that gets readers early in the new month. It doesn’t seem fair to rule them out as popular posts just because the kalends work against them. Turns out nothing from late August was among the most popular stuff. There was a tie for fifth place, though, as sometimes happens. So here’s the six most popular posts of September:

I always feel strange when the monthly readership post is one of the most popular things here. It implies I should do more of just writing up past glories.

October started with me having 1,535 posts here. They have collected 113,769 views, from 63,868 logged unique visitors.

Each Wednesday, I hope to publish an A-to-Z essay. You can see that, and all this year’s essays, at this link. This year’s and all past A-to-Z essays should be at this link. And I am open for topics starting S, T, or U, if you’d like to see me explain something.

You can be a regular reader here by clicking the “Follow Nebusresearch” button on the page. Or add my essays’ feed to whatever your RSS reader is. If you don’t have an RSS reader, get a free account at Dreamwidth or Livejournal. You can add any RSS feed to your friends page from or as you like.

My essays are announcedon Twitter as @nebusj. My twitter is nearly abandoned, though. Only sometimes does Safari let it load. If you actually want to social-media talk with me look to the mathematics-themed Mathstodon and my account It’s low-volume over there, but it’s pleasant. If you really need me, well, leave a comment. I try to get back to those soon enough. Thank you for reading.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

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