I’m looking for J, K, and L topics for the All 2020 A-to-Z

As the subject line says, I’m looking at what the next couple of letters should be for my 2020 A-to-Z. Please put in a comment here with something you think it’d be interesting to see me explain. I’m up for most any topic with some mathematical connection, including biographies.

Please if you suggest something, let me know of any project that you have going on. I’m happy to share links to other blogs, teaching projects, YouTube channels, or whatever else you have going on that’s worth sharing.

I am open to revisiting a subject from past years, if I think I could do a better piece on it. Topics I’ve already covered, starting with the letter ‘J’, are:

Topics I’ve already covered, starting with the letter ‘K’, are:

Topics I’ve already covered, starting with the letter ‘L’, are:

The essays for my All 2020 Mathematics A to Z are at this link. Posts from all of the A-to-Z posts, this year and previous years, are at this link.

Author: Joseph Nebus

I was born 198 years to the day after Johnny Appleseed. The differences between us do not end there. He/him.

11 thoughts on “I’m looking for J, K, and L topics for the All 2020 A-to-Z”

  1. J: j-function in number theory (related to the factors of the group order of the monster group)
    K: K-theory
    L: Langlands program

    Personally, I am not entirely familiar with the above very advanced concepts, but it would be very interesting to have a brief “layman’s terms” introduction to the above!


  2. For ‘K’ I suggest the Klein Quartic surface, although it’s hard to argue with K-Theory as unbeatable for shear K-ness (plus it’s a neat topic).


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